Mike HJ Chang x Liming and Chloe
Art Experience 6 of 6 for PASSPORT
Inspired by their lives led in different countries, artist Mike HJ Chang and hosts Liming and Chloe bring you on wild travels from the comfort of their couch.

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Lonely Socks Theatre (2019)
Lonely Socks Theatre features a sock puppet performance in a DIY television. In an attempt to understand how people settle in new places and cultures, Chang’s television helps one to make sense of the sights and sounds of the world. Audiences are free to switch channels, traversing between stories and familiar television tropes.
This was followed up with a house tour, a casual conversation with the hosts and artist and a display of the artist’s sketches.
This was followed up with a house tour, a casual conversation with the hosts and artist and a display of the artist’s sketches.
Mike HJ Chang
Liming and Chloe
Mike HJ Chang
Liming and Chloe
Nature Shankar x Pei Ying
Art Experience 5 of 6 for PASSPORT
Artist Nature Shankar and hosts Pei Ying, Lisa, Ryan and Ganesh create a 3-part participatory installation centred on the idea of letting go.

Click on image to view in full size.
In a Bind (2019)
In a group entwining workshop, audiences bind a personal object that once held personal meaning to them, but are now ready to let go of. These objects are surrendered and transformed by the artist — a symbolic act of releasing the memories associated with it.
Audiences view Shankar’s embroidery works and other entwined objects that are displayed around the hosts’ home, as they sample food items that tie the artist and hosts to their culture and communities.
Nature Shankar
Pei Ying, Lisa, Ryan and Ganesh
Nature Shankar
Pei Ying, Lisa, Ryan and Ganesh
ila x Xiou Ann
Art Experience 4 of 6 for PASSPORT
Artist ila and host Xiou Ann invite audiences on a sensorial walk through town — to reclaim the quiet, sacred spaces within the city.

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Baggages and Suitcases (2019)
Inspired by how solitary walks have been a source of comfort for both ila and Xiou Ann, audiences were brought on a 4-stop sensorial walk through the fringes of Tanjong Pagar.
At each stop, instructions prompt audiences to revisit difficult moments in their lives and express those moments through simple gestures.
Xiou Ann
Xiou Ann
Jimmy Ong x Han Chung
Art Experience 3 of 6 for PASSPORT
Artist Jimmy Ong and host Han Chung discuss the idea of placelessness through the processes tied to citizenship and movement across borders.

Click on image to view in full size.
Covered Causeway (2019)
What defines our loyalties to a place?
We are herded along checkpoints, funneled into queues, made to wait our turn to be interrogated with rounds of questions - all to prove that this country’s name deserves to be on the cover of our passports.
Audiences were brought on an absurd immigration process, where the host and artist acted as customs officers performing a series of interrogations. Their responses determined whether they were allowed to proceed under the covered walkway.
Audiences then had the opportunity to ask the artist and host the same questions, learning about their stories of citizenship and placelessness.
We are herded along checkpoints, funneled into queues, made to wait our turn to be interrogated with rounds of questions - all to prove that this country’s name deserves to be on the cover of our passports.
Audiences were brought on an absurd immigration process, where the host and artist acted as customs officers performing a series of interrogations. Their responses determined whether they were allowed to proceed under the covered walkway.
Audiences then had the opportunity to ask the artist and host the same questions, learning about their stories of citizenship and placelessness.
Jimmy Ong
Han Chung
Jimmy Ong
Han Chung
Ezzam Rahman x Hernie and André
Art Experience 2 of 6 for PASSPORT
Inspired by hosts Hernie & Andre’s long-distance relationship, Ezzam Rahman’s artwork consists of a series of love letters contributed by Hernie & André, light installations and video works featuring the couple.

Click on image to view in full size.
i will leave a light on for you (2019)
Lamps and chandeliers were displayed in various parts of the living room, corners and under the table. These light installations respond to motion, inspired by the idea of leaving a light on for someone while waiting for them to come home.
Love letters written by Hernie & André to each other over the course of three months, as well as videos of the couple spending time together in their Singapore and Bangkok homes were scattered around the home.
After a Q&A session with the hosts and artists, audiences were encouraged to revisit the artwork and see it in a new light.
Love letters written by Hernie & André to each other over the course of three months, as well as videos of the couple spending time together in their Singapore and Bangkok homes were scattered around the home.
After a Q&A session with the hosts and artists, audiences were encouraged to revisit the artwork and see it in a new light.
Ezzam Rahman
Hernie and André
Ezzam Rahman
Hernie and André