This was a four month long programme that began with three offerings from the artist Eugene TYZ and ended with an exhibition. Click on image to view in full size.
Offering 1
The first offering introduced audiences to Eugene and his interests. Hosted on a website, audiences could click through a series of pop-ups to slowly uncover stories, images and gifs from Eugene.
Eugene TYZ
Eugene TYZ
Eugene used the internet and its many tools to communicate with audiences during the programme. The second offering took the form of a google drive folder. This shared folder was the artist’s ‘online work desk’ for the project and contained his thoughts, writings and research material. Audiences were invited leave their own comments and questions behind.
Eugene Tan
Eugene Tan
Click on image to view in full size.
Final Exhibition
Over four months and across three offerings, Eugene asked himself and others - how would you like to be remembered after you're gone? One of his own answers was a work-in-progress presented in the final exhibition - the GraveApp, a high-tech grave system. An app to create virtual tombstones. Ticket holders were invited to a private appointment with the artist, where they had an opportunity to chat with him and try the GraveApp.
His past works and other works-in-progress were also featured in a small exhibition, which was opened to the public for a weekend.
His past works and other works-in-progress were also featured in a small exhibition, which was opened to the public for a weekend.
Eugene Tan
Eugene Tan